Your web host is like the foundation of your entire site.
While investing time and money in a new website it is worth considering a solid platform on which to build and maintain it.
Although Kirkor Consulting can work with most hosts we highly recommend InMotion Hosting for many reasons:
InMotion offers an array of different hosting plans at affordable rates starting at $6.99 / month.
Plans that support all major CMS programs as well as custom applications. For most applications we suggest the Business Power Plan.
You call they answer.
It is not "if" your site goes down, it is "when" the site goes down how long is it out for? InMotion has great 24/7 service to resolve all issues quickly.
Fast SSD drives are a part of all hosting packages to help deliver your content at the greatest speeds.
Give us a call to see what we can do for you and your business! (914) 263-6746.